
Hey, i'm Nick Thompson. I used to remember how the world was, all nice and cozy waking up drinking some coffee, getting ready for work, normal things most people do at my age.
But that all changed when the plates in the ground shifted apart, now we have an earthquake every 30 minutes and
it cracks the planet each and every time, when that happens people do bad things.. Where i live it's pretty big and chaos gets bad
I'm in Seattle, Washington. Now there's gangs and groups of people that'll harm others just for the fun of it.
And i followed my dumb friends into one of the groups and i can't leave, you'll hear about what's happened in all of this time to lead up to uh my doom.
The Plates is a story driven game where you take control of Nick Thompson a 27 year old Pediatrician and when the plates shift everyone panics and you live what Nick had to.
(Note, this game is being made by a small group of people and the number inside of that group changes every day or week.)
#action #adventure #scifi #other #story