Game Community
Sleepless Nights
8 Members

Comments (15)

What do you think?

Hello goodnight! How are you? I came to ask if I could work on the Voice Acting part of your game. I'd love to help you. If you want to talk more about this, I'll leave my Discord here.

Discord: Sim_Naum_Ofc

ya por los teasers se ve decente le doy un 7,8

hi, big thx for the cool game. greetings from rosti 😁


Sleepless Nights CUSTOM NIGHT

Version: 0.1.13 months ago
basically a demo

S.N. beta 3

Version: 0.1.1over 1 year ago
Esta beta tiene errores de jugabilidad - This beta has gameplay errors

ERFDM 2021 beta

Version: 0.1.1over 3 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Sleepless nights - Menu theme (ashes)


In this game, you play as Iris Aether, a 23-year-old who works in an establishment filled with animatronic mascots. After a traumatic incident, Iris develops a deep fear of these machines. As insomnia takes hold of her, hallucinations intensify, and the animatronics seem to stalk her from every corner. Desperate to stay awake, she clings to a coffee jar and her phone, barely able to light the dark hallway that leads to her office. Over time, her nightmares grow more vivid, with the animatronics taking on grotesque forms that make her question reality. Iris will struggle to keep her sanity, unsure if what she's experiencing is a dream or a terrifying reality. What would you do to avoid sleepless nights?


En este juego encarnas a Iris Aether, una joven de 23 años que trabaja en un establecimiento lleno de mascotas animatrónicas. Tras un traumático incidente, Iris comienza a desarrollar un miedo profundo hacia los animatrónicos. A medida que el insomnio se apodera de ella, las alucinaciones se intensifican, y las figuras mecánicas parecen acecharla en cada rincón. Desesperada por mantenerse despierta, se aferra a una jarra de café y su teléfono, que apenas logra iluminar el oscuro pasillo que conecta con su oficina. Con el tiempo, sus pesadillas se vuelven cada vez más vívidas, y los animatrónicos adoptan formas grotescas que la hacen dudar de la realidad. Iris luchará por no perder la cordura, sin saber si lo que vive es un sueño o una aterradora realidad. Qué harías tú para evitar tener noches desveladas?

ERFDM beta 2021 has the old models, unfortunately I couldn't move the animatronics

ERFDM beta 2021 tiene los modelos antiguos, por desgracia no pude hacer q los animatronicos se movieran


Sleepless Nights Beta

Since this is a very early beta version of the final game, it will naturally have its errors. If you find any errors, please let me know in the comment box so that I can read and fix them.

Al ser esta una beta muy temprana al juego final obviamente tendra sus errores, si encuentras algun error informamelo en la caja de comentarios para asi yo poder leerlo y arreglarlo

#fivenightsatfreddys #horror #fangame #fnaf #action #pointnclick #survival


Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Mild Language

Last update of the month
Ventilation system and sounds implemented (not all are ready yet, some are basic placeholders


Sleep bar implemented + New Scrolling


You can see a big change compared to the previous betas and progress

Concept of how the camera system in the fangame would look

Map Reveal!!

Good news!!! We finally have all the cameras ready, so we can proceed with the programming and move forward with the voicelines.
Here are the last 2 cameras that were completed today
Cam 7 & Cam 9

It's a bit dark here.
Should we warn them to be careful when passing through?
Nah, they'll manage on their own if they drop something

Almost the whole family is gathered to eat
Cam 8

Hey you, want some coffee? No? Well, it won't be my fault if you fall asleep on the job

Retouched office, and... a new mechanic?