
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Good luck in development! We can't wait to see the great possible story you gut got cooking up behind the scenes.

Best of luck from Team Beginnings!

Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

меню игры
game menu
#undertale #fungame #green #orange #UndertaleOG

What languages ​​will the game be in?
#undertale #fungame #green #orange #UndertaleOG

RU - все ранние версии дизайнов главных героев (вторые спрайты рисовал OceanFox)
EN(translation) - all early versions of the main character designs (the second sprites were drawn by nftdominic)
#undertale #fungame #green #orange #UndertaleOG

RU мы обновили дизайн главных персонажей нашей игры, что они соответствовал стандартам фан-сообщества undertale!

EN(translated)We have updated the design of the main characters of our game so that they meet the standards of the Undertale fan community!

тестирование текста
text testing
#undertale #fungame #green #orange #UndertaleOG

RU Мы ищем и талантливых и творческих людей для нашего проекта!
EN (translation) We are looking for talented and creative people for our project!
#undertale #fungame #green #orange #UndertaleOG

EN (translated) new NPCs for the first location of the game - the bandit region (the English name is not final)

RU - новые NPC для первой локации игры - бандитского края!

#undertale #fungame #green #orange #UndertaleOG