
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Even with an enlarged window, the text size is just WAAAAY too small for me to read anything clearly. In other words I can't follow any of the story.

If you fix this, I'd be interested in seeing what more the game has to offer.

Game Soundtrack

65 songs

Title Theme - Metroid (NES)

Meet Vile. A very mysterious character who was never considered a good guy or a hero. More like the opposite. One day he was fighting a fierce battle against an unknown opponent by himself and was left to die by someone he saw as a leader. HIS leader. Barely escaping, he devotes his life to taking him down.
#rpg #fangame #adventure #action #fnaf #retro #roguelike #shooter #strategy #textadventure #altgame #lanket #other #megaman #megamanx #vile #vilethevengeful #lanketgames #lanket_games

Intense Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Sexual Themes
Strong Language
Mature Humor

The DLC is out!

DLC Announcement (02-26-19)

I have begun development on the first DLC for Vile: The Vengeful. This DLC story will be free of course and takes place after Purple Guy's Fucking Adventure. Vile: Trouble In Frostdo. Estimated release date is Spring 2019!

New Build (11-04-18)

Added new package that has been compressed into a 7zip archive that includes the required font to play the game.

It's out now! (08-30-18)

I hope you guys enjoy what I have created here. The story was all built from the ground up and please let me know what you think. If you post this to YouTube, tell me and I’ll feature it here!