
Comments (5)

What do you think?

ANAK Fanart

oh wow

cool game!

Welcome To ZX Nights


In Game Progess:

Menu 2%

Custom Night Menu 2%

ZX And His Friends 0%

ZX Siblings 0%

Tails Doll And His Friends 0%

Milo And His Friends 0%

Antow And His Friends 0%

Old Friends 0%

Loading 0%

Office 0%

Poster 0%

Cam 1%

Mechanic 1%

Door And Vent And FlashLight 0%

Jumpscare 0%

Game Over Screen 2%

Minigames 0%

Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence

@HiroStudios is gonna be a coder from my Fnaf games

ZX NIGHTS BANNER (unfinished)

Maddie (Player Of NightGuard)

oh is that ummm nvm Game Over 2%

i have no clue :p Mechaniac 1% And Cam 1%