Fifteen years after the demon Shade escaped to the Demonic World, an infant survivor of the Vercenia Kingdom incident is rescued by a tech-scientist named Cavery. Now a young man named Vex, he lost both his arms in that attack 20 years prior. Cavery crafts Vex artificial arms using the mystical properties of Vercenia's Black Diamonds. Having grown up in Cavery's lab, Vex decides to finally see the outside world. He meets up with a group of companions who once defeated Shade and now must band together to save their world once more. With his unique diamond arms and his newfound allies, Vex becomes instrumental in the struggle to prevent Shade from unleashing catastrophe.
The game is currently under development, please wait for our announcement for its release!
The final part of Shade - The Dark Knight Trilogy game
#RPG #Puzzle #Fantasy #Adventure #JRPG #TurnBased #StoryRich