Comments (6)
hey bud, i felt like you were trying to make a game like sneak thief but in 2D and better. i cant judge the game right now because i feel like its too early in development. but i can tell you what i feel is missing or bad in my opinion.
its a bit of a long read so get comfy :D
so here is some feedback on your stealth game:
when an enemy sees you its not a big deal because the others still dont know about you, this makes the game feel like an action top-down shooter where you just shoot people mindlessly. and not like a stealth game where you need to plan every move to not get detected. hitman, payday, and many other stealth games use this trick, and i think that its the most important thing you missed. (when you get detected by one enemy all others must be alerted too)
the AI needs some work
when you run out of ammo you cant get anymore
i dont feel like the player's flash light is that useful because you can just see enemies with out it
when enemies see you their sight is locked on you and you cant dodge their bullets
the shotgun does not feel satisfying to use, because of it's slow animation
the enemies feel very strong and tanky (if thats a word :P) they got a lot of health and cant be stunned when shooting at them
bugs / glitches:
the player moves much faster when moving on 2 axis vertical and horizontal. in other words the player is faster when going: (up, right). (down, left). ect...
the player can shoot through walls if close enough
the enemies can shoot through walls too
the game crashed after pressing E when using the first computer
this door is very buggy
hope this helps!
tell me if you feel like i missed something or want me to tell you about something specific :)
Stealth Game Demo
A demo of a wave system zombie game.
WASD- movement
E- interact
Mouse- aim
ESCAPE - quit
Q- Cycle weapons
Decided to make the project into a stealth action game. Old controls still apply, but, here's a goodie for ya.
Press p to toggle the developer console('o' to disable). type a command and press enter. Here are a few...
"rst" Resets the game.
"exit" Ends game.
"debug" Makes the game go into debug mode.
"debug--" Exits debug mode.
"wood++" (Deprecated) Adds wood to inventory but it's not going to stay much long as I try to clean up the code, this was for making wooden walls, but it wont be in the game in the next version.