
Comments (62)

What do you think?

I played it till the end:

It did have glitches, but that's to be expected from an early access game. I have followed the game, I look forward to it being finished! :)

I thought it was pretty good! The isometric view is interesting and the music and sound is decent. The mystery behind it is compelling and the lighting effects add a lot to the scare factor. I think the atmosphere could be stronger. The enemies could feel much more terrifying and threatening. The basic idea - a formless cloud of black fog - is a good concept, but I feel like something could happen when the character gets close to them to freak the crap out of the player - perhaps eerie music could play or the character could start breathing heavily. I also felt like the way the character walks feels a bit goofy. It works mechanically and it's not hard to get around, but there's something about a character that's basically slide-walking everywhere that makes it harder for me to become invested in the horror aspect . That's just my own opinion, though. Hope the project goes well! :)

My game crashes when show "Episode One:Awakening" and then there's a black screen with a repeating sound until I close the game.

I get the game's in early access and all, but that doesn't excuse it for not even working. I launch the game fine and it shows the start fine, but the instant it gets past saying chapter one, it refuses to work. I tried reinstalling but nothing.

does it have anything to do with demons or demonic stuff(I haven't downloaded it yet)

What if your humble abode wasn't so humble after all.

Abode is an isometric survival-horror adventure game that takes you on the episodic journey of a man searching for his lost daughter while finding himself drawn into strange paranormal activity.

NOTE: This game is in early access and we would be extremely grateful to you for providing your kind feedback to us and help us shape a better game along the way.

#survival #horror #adventure #meatlyjam

Realistic Bloodshed
Alcohol Reference
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