Comments (26)
Really neat concept! I included it in my GDC Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/8gn0CiJcjfg

Very original and unique game, works perfectly for the nuovo theme :D
I voted for the jam too.
Really abstract, i like it
A very nuovo game!!! I liked a lot.
I also entry a game to gdc jam, please play here:
Woah! you even added a thumbnail! It's quite polished! Great game!.. hmm, i wouldn't call it a game, more like an experience. I'm glad to see developers push the creative medium to boundaries where I can't even imagine. Great Experience. It's a bit slow, while that's really minor. There's a certain disconnect to the player. I could share what I think it is, but I'm probably not a better designer than you guys. Would like to see the creative decisions you guys pursue. Followed and rated! Good Luck!
The game has been developed in 72 hours for the" Game Jolt GDC Jam" 2016. The theme of the Jam was "Nuovo".
"In the beginning, there was nothing but a single spark of light, lying alone in the center of an empty unviverse. Then, it all begun..."
ALEPH is not a game. It could remind you of a Zen Garden, as well as it could resemble a sandbox. Start your own universe, setting its vastity, and start your personal Creation with nothing but a spark of light.
You'll be able to duplicate, split or merge your elements, or to transmute them in something else, in something new.
You could decide to draw something, to forge whole worlds, filling the void.
Moreover, if you want, you could activate the 'Elements Automation' option: doing so will let the universe evolve itself, following one specific pattern; you'll be able to see your Creation expand, guiding its growth step by step.
If you decide to try the 'Elements Automation' options, just remember that the bigger the current universe will be, the slower the automatic pattern will result.
Take your time: in ALEPH there aren't scoring or goals. Just relax, play with the elements and shape an universe following your desires.
NOTE: Using simultaneously the 'Elements Automation' and the 'Elements Rotations' could result in a weird graphic display - the game would still go on, but the results could be... unusual :D