
Comments (2)

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The abyss awakens a massive amount of new fish (30 to be exact.) which all have adapted to the deep waters.

Note: This is only PART 1 of a few more parts, and also you are more than welcome to give your suggestions for the mod!

#catgoesfishing #other #fangame


I apologise for not posting many updates on Ancient Ancestors 2. Nothing much has changed, besides new fish being made. I'm currently not rushing to get fish/bones done, since the Moddable Branch is not out yet. Here is some leaks for you guys!

Presenting the Moonray!

Name: Moonray
Price: $100 000
Location: The Entire Abyss Size: Large
Caught: "The carnivourous Moonray roam the Abyss in groups in search of any small or medium fish. They put up a fight if hooked."

I added 2 more small fish and 3 more medium fish to the list, it's only those and the huge fish left to go until, maybe, launch.

By maybe, I mean that I don't know how long the coding will take me! Please have patience since me and my partner are trying!

Last medium fish is completed! Now onto the larges and huges!

We are almost there!

Welcome to the official Ancient Ancestors 2 page! Expect updates here instead of on the CGF discord from now on!

30 fish
8 new areas
1 new boat

The abyss awaits...