Comments (91)
I don't understand!!!
I'm a bit of a wuss, I suppose, but this game made me cry. It was incredibly well done, the way the thoughts just pile u[ and fl;oat around and get in the way of everything and the way you cycle through the thoughts, I love it. I could really relate to it. I loved it. Keep up the good work, this was amazing. Super simple but you captured the human emotions and thought process so well. Bravo.
I LOVED THIS, for one reason, it did what any good game, show, movie, or song does, it hits your internal senses, of your fears, personal life, and emotions down to a personal level. I related to this game, for I'm just that type of person the main character is, that's why I loved it. Yes there are somethings this game could do better but the thing is, is if a this game didn't have the same type of story, I would say it sucks, GREAT GAME MAN 4.5/5
It doesn't show much care in your work, when you say that you aren't happy with it, but whatever. Work on it UNTIL you're happy.
The art style for this game is awesome, but the game overall is just so confusing and overwhelming. It was really difficult for me to understand exactly what my role was in this game, I got bored just reading text. It would be better if it was altered to where the player is more involved.
And the Moment Is Gone
And the Moment Is Gone is an experimental game about regrets, insecurities, internal monologues and the moments of life you relive over and over.
LMB on white thoughts to say stuff; RMB on white thoughts on rephrase.
LMB on black thoughts to distract yourself, RMB to think stuff through.
LMB on special black thoughts to dream.
In case you're stuck (or just want to skip a level), press SPACE to go the next scene.
I'm not happy with how it turned out, but, well, whatever. Hope you like it.