Comments (8)
Really fun and different, went in with zero context and enjoyed it thoroughly. Agree the lack of variation with the young leaders leads to little long term replay ability, but i still found myself playing it several times before stopping. Great Work :)
Really neat concept! I included it in my compilation video series of all of the Adventure Jam games, if you’d like to take a look :) https://youtu.be/Ono_XbB8lKQ
This game is awesome, I scored 370 points my first time I played and that was because I knew Hitler wanted to be an artist.
What's the highest score, I got a 100% survival chance with 480 points
Pretty cool game, you certainly put a lot of effort into this however it has zero re-playability and gets repetitive.
Created for #AdvJam2016
A Post-Apocalyptic-Save-The-World game where you are forced to select 4 people to go start a colony in a new world based on appearances only. To complicate things, they will be represented as cartoon caricatures to hide their potential notoriety. As you drive your boat along the shore and pick your crew, you must also select their job title. Multiple outcomes are possible since assigning an Evil character to Prime Minister would have disastrous results but might be beneficial if assigned to Minister of Fine Arts. Once all 4 are chosen, you jump to the near future and review a detailed tally of the results of your choices...
Artists: Tyler Jacobson
Music: Seth Lowman
Fusion: Scott Jacobson
Design: Scott Jacobson