
Comments (3)

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ртемиксер нужен ???

круто !

cool !

Яблоко - довольно обыденный и не такой дорогой фрукт в нашем обществе. Но что оно значит в мире, где провизии осталось всего на несколько дней вперед?
Много лет назад ЛЮДИ и МОНСТРЫ жили в мире, дружили и работали, обрабатывали поля. Но однажды между ними развязалась война, в ходе которой победили люди. Они заточили монстров в ПОДЗЕМЕЛЬЕ с помощью силы семи человеческих душ. Еды у обоих сторон стало критически мало, растения начали умирать, пока на всей земле не остался только один, самый выносливый источник питания - яблоня.

Много лет спустя на гору, под которой находится Подземелье, взбирается человек....

ENG v.1:
Apple is a quite ordinary and not so expensive fruit nowadays, but what does it mean in the world, where food is left only for a few days ahead?

Many years ago humans used to love in peace and harmony with monsters. They were great friends, used to work together and help each other. But suddenly the war broke between two races. After a long battle, humans were Victorious. They honed monsters in the UNDERGROUND with the power of seven humans' souls. There was not so much food as it used to be in the Underground and Surface. Plants started to die until there were left the most hardy and surviable plants in the whole world - apple trees.

Many years later a human climbs on the mountain, under which Underground is located...

Apple is quite ordinary and not so expensive fruit in our society. But what does it mean in the world where food left only on a few days ahead?
Long time ago HUMANS and MONSTERS lived in peace, were friends and worked together ,treated fields. But one day , war broke out between them, in which humans won. They sealed monsters in UNDERGROND with power of seven human souls.There was not so much food as it used to be in the Underground and Surface. Plants started to die until there were left the most hardy and surviable plants in the whole world - apple trees.

Many years later a human had climbed on the mountain, under which the Underground was located.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

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NPCs for New Year Special