
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I should play this... Right? Yay!!!

I am waiting though... And here's a nextbot idea!

A robot dog. I hope you like this idea!

Hello. Welcome to Baldi Advanced Nextbot a mod created by @Dash6666/@DashCompileCretor.

This mod is WIP - Work In Progress

Its 11% Complete

Original idea was created by someone but i don't know who

So welcome here is Story and Credits

Story :

Oh noes! Baldi School was been attacked by Nextbots! And Baldi is dead! Help him by collecting all 8 Lost Notebooks and taking him to Hospital How fast you can! But be careful of Nextbots they are so fast and Everyone hears you!

Credits :

@THEfloppagamerultradx Floppa Nextbot idea + Pizza Time Mode idea

@dimasek_animator Sigma emoji

more nextbots ideas soon

#fangame #horror #action #adventure #survival #other #baldi #nextbots #gmod

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence

Nextbot suggestions place yey!

Status : Open


Hello everybody! Today you can sugget a Nextbot to game called : Baldi Advanced Nextbots. You need some images and audios for it but read article for the nextbot sign up rules!


This mod is cancelled.


Announcement i think i type it correctly

This game will be ON HOLD read article why

you should to join here for some teasters for the game will be more teasters for game here

I release this page 6 Hours ago and it has 7 followers already