Comments (24)
Very fun little game! I enjoyed my stampede through the city, being chased by the military. The UFO's were a nice touch I didn't expect! As was the giant skeleton..
Thanks for asking me to check it out, I did enjoy it!
As said, I made a video on my experience, I hope you like watching it!
Feel free to use it for any sort of promotion for the game, I'd be honoured!
pretty cool game like the monster and graphics cant wait to see more!!
trop bien j'adore
What a funny game! ahaha
Description -
english :
BOOS is a destruction game where you are a boss, you must destroy everything to avenge you of people who make fun of you because you squint.
you can play on the normal map or you can build your map with the Building Mode.
français :
BOOS est un jeux de destruction ou vous êtes un boss, vous devez tout détruire pour vous venger des personnes qui se moquent de vous car vous loucher.
Vous pouvez jouer sur la map normale ou vous pouvez créé votre propre niveau dans le Mode de construction.
Positive point :
-Required small config
-No lag
-Fun to play
-Relaxing Game