BotWood (the game)
GpBotWood (App gamepad móvil)
BotWood is a party game, up to 12 people can play on the same PC (recommended minimum 4 for high fun), supports gamepads (can play two people in one), keyboard for 4 people, or the best, a mobile App that acts as gamepad.
You drive a giant robot but with archaic technology, inside it you must put the corresponding module to work, you can cooperate with other players inside the same robot, or working together with another robot; or face other players in the classic giant mech fight.
There are various maps, with missions such as protecting buildings, destroying buildings, race, ball game, fight: distance, mele or total.
When a system of the bot is damaged, it can be totally damaged or so so, in this case, the system works intermitently (can't be repared for now).
In menu you see the options, for long games, select realistic damage not agressive, or many lives; for short games, select agressive realistic damage or few lives.
It has a map editor, with all the features of the game.
The sight pointing to front, but cannon and punch are at sides of the bot, so aim with it in mind.
If issues with conection with App occurs, try to restart the PC game.
You only need move, move your player to the system of the bot you wish, the systems are:
pedals to move up, down, right, left.
cranks to rotate te sight.
buttons to shoot and hit.
crane to take munnition.
guaro dispenser to fill player energy.
fan to cooling the bot.
tensors to prepare the shoot and hit.
**Features sumary:**
4 giant bots (mechs).
12 players, differentiated by colors.
4 NPCs to help.
App gamepad (with 3 modes of control).
gamepads support (1 or 2 players in one).
4 players in keyboard.
21 maps.
flexible map editor.
7 game modalityes: ball soccer (enter the ball in your ring or ok where look obvious at start), mele fight, classic fight, destroy city, defend city, distance fight, racer (reach first the ring).
13 iside bot control systems.
2 damage mods: for lives or realistic, the first don't destroy systems of the bot separately, only all explode if no more lives; the second, destroy components of the bot depending of where was hit (so you can be still alive but useless to attack).
BotWood te pone al mando de un robot gigante, puedes cooperar con otros jugadores manejándolo o cooperar/luchar contra otro robot, existen varias modalidades de juego como: destruir la ciudad, defender la ciudad o batalla de robots. Este es un juego tipo party (fiesta), por lo que soporta hasta 12 jugadores en el mismo PC, pueden usar controles de juego o la App móvil que trae el juego.
En caso de problemas de conexión con la App, intentar reiniciar el juego en el PC.
#multiplayer #shooter #strategy #partygame #party #local #mech #giantbots #robot #bot #app #gamepad #appgamepad