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I helped with this xD

Broken Sanctuary is a First Person educational game about dementia with survival - horror elements. It was developed by Peter Fitzmaurice, Daniel Foth, Kayleigh Grumley and Patrick Collins.

Game Scenario

Main Character:
John: a widowed 74 year old man living with a diagnosis of mixed dementia. John lives alone in the house he shared with his late wife, Lucy, for over 30 years.

John wakes up in his sitting room. He’s fallen asleep while <actionX> and wakes up a little disoriented. It’s gotten late, so John decides to lock up and head to bed.

John’s routine is to lock the deadbolt on the front door before going to sleep. He leaves his keys on a small table in the hall. He rises from his comfortable sofa, walks to the hall door, opens it, turns off the sitting room light, and goes into the hall, closing the door behind him.

As he approaches the table, he notices that the table is bare. “Oh geez” he thinks “ where did I put them THIS time???”

Somewhere in the back of John’s mind, a small panic begins. John begins a hasty search of his home for his keys. While his search remains unfruitful, John becomes more anxious and begins to feel symptoms of his dementia more acutely

John can lift the phone to call <personX> who will suggest areas to search. If he calls them late at night, they will be angry and won’t be available the next time he calls.

When John finds the key, he goes to the front door and locks it. Mission accomplished..

Mild Realistic Violence
Alcohol Use
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