
Comments (17)

What do you think?

is this a pink floyd game?

A classic gets even awesomer! Hey, you should update the thumbnail, too. The thumbnails for your more recent games look so much better :)

worst graphick on pretty good game LOVE IT

This is a pretty interesting game, when you start the game you notice that there's work put into this. The music is well done and the game uses low-resolution graphics, I am not sure if that is the final graphics or not, looks cool as it is though.

The game is placed on an unknown moon, you get teleported to the dark side of this moon through a stargate as a result of falling asleep next to the origin stargate (how stupid, right?). there appears to be life on the planet as there are berry bushes, vehicles and other things, which you can interact with to get different items, around the moon.

The game concept is great and the execution is well done so far as well.
However, stay away from ice as stepping on ice crashed the game for me ;)
But then again, all games have problems at first and I'm sure it'll all be sorted out.

I'll give you 4/5 :) Keep up the good work!

Heh, I like the hilarious profile you gave to this game, the lo-res graphics do the trick as well, but in my opinion there should be something to skip all the walking, it becomes a little tedious after a while.


Captain Disaster in "The Dark Side of the Moon"

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Captain Disaster in "The Dark Side of the Moon" TALKIE VERSION

Version: 0.1.0almost 9 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Sleep walking through an open StarGate isn't the best of ways to end up on a distant moon, especially when the StarGate closes behind you before you wake up. This is the position that the intrepid Captain Disaster finds himself in - not all, however, is as it seems; there is a greater purpose at work here.

With innumerable references to classic adventure games, science fiction and of course Pink Floyd, Captain Disaster in "The Dark Side of the Moon" is a light-hearted point and click adventure game which will exercise both your grey matter and funny bone. It's the first full adventure game to feature the Captain Disaster character - two more (commercial) games are in development, and hopefully many more to come in the future.

(Fully voiced version now available too! )

Mild Fantasy Violence

Video teaser trailer for Captain Disaster in: The Dark Side of the Moon


Free ebook of the game - today only

Okay, not a novella, a long-ish short story...

The story of the game - now available for Amazon Kindle:

Novella in progress!