Comments (9)
"not bad" 10/10 -IGN
I always feel like, somebody's watching me, and i've got no Proxy.
Good game
I'd advise against this type of trailer
Cool concept !
More user-friendlyness could be appreciable though (I know the game is in alpha).
I think you use lwjgl 2. Is that true ?
I am waiting for further updates : )
Good game :) Very unique idea you got there with the coding. This game is not for all gamers though. There's a lot to add but it's only in alpha there's not much more to say.
Proxy - A programming adventure game
Program your robot to protect you in a world of machines.

Proxy is an action adventure rpg set in a world ruled by robots. But with a twist. You have to program your Robot to defend you against the hoards of enemies after you.
Default Controls
W - Up
S - Down
A - Left
D - Right
E - Select
Tab - Menu
Space - Run
I made this in the second half of my last year of university. The game engine is made by me.
You will need Java 8 to play it which if you don't have you can find here.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Comical Shenanigans