
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Jumping is pretty pointless.

No sexist game definitly =)
it's ok but I've the feeling something is missing. So 3 points =)

Lots of action and dodging, that's for sure! Nice job on that evil laugh too, haha! Keep up the great work. ;)

The gameplay is addictive enough to keep playing for a while but theres not enough variety to keep it from going stale. Also, the graphics are very inconsistent with a different style being used for the player, the bat things, and the background. But its still a nice little time waster.

Very cool!

You're a wizard's pupil who went into an ancient castle for shelter.

Unfortunately enough, this is one of the least safe places of the lands, try and survive, and maybe you manage to get out.

Mild Fantasy Violence

Going Gold!

Castle of Dread is, as far as I’m concerned, done. When GameJolt implements achievements and the like I might look back at it, otherwise, I’m not going to tweak except for bugs I might have missed.

I hope you’ll have fun!

Castle of Dread enters beta

Okay, Castle of Dread enters beta, try to find me some bugs, guys.

There are some features left to implement, but I’m waiting for gamejolt to implement the architecture behind it.

I hope you’ll have fun playing this.