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Cheese it! Early Access

Version: 0.0.4over 1 year ago

Cheese it! Test versions

Version: 0.1.0over 1 year ago

Well, it is just a little funny game I am currently working on. You are a mouse in a spaceship and must dodge enemies. Mostly cats, but there may come more. Power ups are planned too, oh, and a boss fight. Yea. ^^


Mild Cartoon Violence

New update! Finally! So, what is new? I reworked the points system, it is a lot simpler now, but actually works, you can now choose a difficulty and can score a highscore which gets saved! :D

Have fun trying it! Have a nice day!

Hey there! I am working on a little game. It actually is my first one and it is pretty fun to code all the stuff, even though there isn't a lot. I have lots of plans so I would be happy if you could give me some feedback. Have a nice day! :D

Another update to Cheese It is out! It is just a minor patch with "wasd" support and a better screen size. Enjoy!

Hey there moustonauts!
There is another early access version of Cheese it! YAAAY!
So what is new? Well, there are more waves and a different enemie now. Still have to think of what will be next. Maybe a new enemie, or a bossfight, or a new ship?

So, there now are test versions too, yay! They aren't really early access yet rather stuff I play with which will be implemented in the game later on. Anyways have a nice day, oh and there will be a new early access version soon!