

What do you think?
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it's kinda like Roblox lol


This game isn't available to play yet! Stay tuned!

CHOWDER is an online platform for people to create, share, and play simple games. It is currently in development led by only one person! @LotsOfFoxes .

CHOWDER aims to fuel creativity and fun while staying simple and friendly.

Make sure to check out the dev log for information!

#online #mulitplayer #gamemaking #games #dev #play #platform #mmo #multiplayer #adventure #platformer #strategy #shooter #survival #online #mulitplayer #gamemaking #games #dev #play #platform #mmo #multiplayer #adventure #platformer #strategy #shooter #survival #online #mulitplayer #gamemaking #games #dev #play #platform #mmo #multiplayer #adventure #platformer #strategy #shooter #survival #online #mulitplayer #gamemaking #games #dev #play #platform #mmo #multiplayer #adventure #platformer #strategy #shooter #survival #online #mulitplayer #gamemaking #games #dev #play #platform #mmo #multiplayer #adventure #platformer #strategy #shooter #survival

Terms of Service

  1. Use of "Chowder" Platform: By creating an account on "Chowder," you agree not to decompile, edit, or redistribute any part of the platform's source code, including both frontend and backend components. Violation of this rule will result in an immediate ban and forfeiture of account privileges.

  2. Moderation Authority: "Chowder" and its administrators reserve the right to IP-ban or ban any user suspected of violating the Terms of Service.

  3. Content Standards: Users are prohibited from creating or distributing vulgar, suggestive, or otherwise inappropriate content on the "Chowder" platform.

  4. Commerce Restrictions: The platform may not be used to sell goods or services using out-of-game currency.

  5. Prohibition of Malicious Activities: Users are forbidden from using the platform to execute malicious scripts or exploits.

  6. Harassment and Bullying: Harassment, bullying, or any form of abusive behavior towards other users will not be tolerated.

  7. Scams and Misleading Content: Participation in scams or the dissemination of misleading content is strictly prohibited.

  8. Civil Behavior: Users agree to maintain civil discourse and respectfully conduct themselves toward others. Any violations of this rule will result in disciplinary action, including potential bans.

  9. Changes to Terms of Service: By agreeing to these Terms of Service, users acknowledge that the terms may be subject to change at any time. Notification of changes will be provided, and users are responsible for reviewing and adhering to the updated terms.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans


Hey! This is the first dev log for Chowder!
So I decided that the main theme will be blue, but you can customize the colors in settings.

I'm planning on adding a homepage with featured games and announcements. Suggestions appreciated