
Comments (7)

What do you think?

You're welcome for the backgrounds, I'm more of a background kind of guy. So you're welcome (PS. more coming soon, first I need to come back from my head ake).

This game... Ragey game... F*** the first boss... Well i did make a video of it so it cant be that bad...

Best noscoping simulator. Shittastic graphics. Awe-fucking-some storyline. You can get high and fuck bitches in this game .420/360 would minecraft again...

The red eye circle has decided to take over cube world and call it circle void.

Run through 30 DEMO levels --> OF FRUSTATION!!! <-- and make it to his lair.

Please read the word FRUSTATION so you know its gonna be rage.

Will the Hero Cube defeat the red eye circle and save the world? Or will red eye circle acclompish his plan?

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