Comments (11)
I survived 31s
my best is 43.15s :T
Very cool! I had a hard time figuring out what to do, but I got it. My high score is only 25s. I think you should implement GJ API (it isn't hard).
Put score system.
Really nice game. The story is sort of sad, but I really like the graphics, the game play, and the experiment. Well done.
Controls: Space and arrow keys. Press space at any time.
An experimental game coded in HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. Use a decent browser.
You're a little 3D cube some random developer brought into this world. Your existence is purposeless. Once you realise the empty void you've been jailed in, you desperately claw at its impossibly tall walls. Every second, a piece of your soul burns forever and exits as a tear. As your feeble existence goes on, you can't help but cry harder and faster.
Everything has been hand-crafted, except for audio, credits due:
ERH, 7by7, Sclolex, singintime, bareform & Capashen @