
Comments (20)

What do you think?

I'm sooo excited for this! After playing the second one, I can't wait for this!

This is unity... Right?

You might wanna add, that it isn't gonna be free.... Just saying as a Co- Developer.

I can't wait

Already look gorgeous, can't wait till it's done!!!

The Project is currently on halt due to the expensive subscription fee.

Dark Steps 3 is finally under development.

The story is centered around a family. They live in an enormous mansion that appears to be quite harmless at first glance. The family has been evacuated by the law, and summoned for further interrogation. As a detective, you have been sent out to investigate the house. Dark secrets lurk beneath the surface, beneath that which you can see.

Thanks to Redge For his collaboration.

Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore

Jam Time!

We here at NodziGames challenge you to make a horror game, without using darkness whatsoever! Light needs to be plentiful, and make the game as scary as you can!

Update #6

Dark Steps 3 is under development once more! The game will only be about 20 minutes long since I am a small team, (and a noob with 3d games). Expect more screenies soon!

Update #5

Update #4

Update #3