
Defuse the bomb simulator
Your goal is to defuse the bomb, easy right ?
Remove the cover
Spell the word 'BEG'
Cover the top left sensor (blue thing)
Cover the top right sensor (blue thing)
Move the sliders close to each other
Remove the two capacitors (the black thingy near the countdown, they cover a sensor)
When everything is done, press the 'DETONATE' button.
You can grab almost anything using your thumb + another finger.
Move the hand -- Mouse
Wrist rotation -- Hold right click + Mouse (forward / backward)
Arm rotation -- Hold right click + Mouse (left / right)
Move the hand up and down -- Hold left click + Mouse (forward / backward)
Bend Pinky finger -- Left shift
Bend Ring finger -- A
Bend Middle finger -- S
Bend Index finger -- D
Bend Thumb finger -- Space
Mouse sensitivity + -- P, spam the button increments are quite small
Mouse sensitivity - -- M, spam the button decrements are quite small