Comments (30)
Hello there i would like say my final thoughts on your game(Read if you care) I really like your themes about of self worth and isolation.
I really like your art style and the colors also especially characters eye colors, the story was pretty good, All the ending were pretty grim and dark but can touch heart.(But I just like grim and dark Endings)
The music very good especially the track JAPANWAVE and CUTE BUNNY GIRLS. I think the jokes in the game were funny made laugh a lot.
But I enjoy your game tilt the fullest i can't to see your next game or project Stay Safe.
super game first ending i got was #5 but its so good I will recomend this game to others
It's a really aw-inspiring game, cast of colorful characters, great story writing, and sick beats, getting the kind of undertale vibe to it. I just wish there was a path where you don't have to have everyone die, it's just so discouraging. believe me I have been saving the game in multiple save slots figuring out other paths to get through the game and saving everyone to the point where no one dies, it's like a timeline situation I know, I am on the verge of considering to delete the game, I hope you read this message and understand the dire situation, I hope you can make an update for this game in the future, please, the fate of your world depends on it.
The game is fantastic. Managed to get ending #4. Tried to get everything that I could but was unable to find any part of the necromancer quest (statistics-chan gave me tips about available side quests) Wish to know if the people you lose when you get the middle part without any questions are random or always the same for the save. Also wish to know if the blob is just supposed to have a lot of healt or something more. Unless I skipped something I believe he would be usable if you could make him provoke enemies in some way since current way you can still lose pretty easily as I onticed that enemies attack the othere characters more frequently.
Demonpact: Clarice
This game doesn't take anything seriously, while making fun of everything and everyone, everytime. Has immature and edgy writting, and endorses mature themes, dark and dirty humor, everything bad and ugly.
​But you can still played anywhere, just hope your mom won't read any of the text.

- Epilepsy warning, has flashing lights.
- Does NOT contain explicit sexy imagery.
- Does NOT contain gore or stupid jumpscares in any way.
- Not for children. Seriously.
- Not for anyone with PTSD or easily disturbed / influenced.
- Some parts are deliberately made to make you uneasy/unconfortable/cringy.
Two hopeless nerds manage to summon a demon girl, but now they have to find another person to die as her demonic sacrifice instead of themselves.
As the story unravels, they end up breaking the law as well, so the cops, bounty hunters, vigilantes, and pretty much everyone want them jailed and/or dead.
It will spiral out of control pretty fast, and every action you take will influence how it all ends.
- Unique artworks for every single character in existence (about 50);
- 25 different characters to recruit and build your own team with;
- Unconventional turn based RPG strategy;
- Visual novel elements (but not text heavy);
- Multiple choices that actually matter;
- 10 different endings.
Go and follow our team on Twitter!!
> Goiaba Megas Xellox
> Spriter Gors
> Leorio Starvinsky
> Starlit
> Copper Popsicle
>Demonpact: Clarice Soundtrack:
>Demonpact: Clarice Wiki:
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#rpg #furry #visualnovel #comedy #mature #turnbased #retro #adventure