
Comments (3)

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Game Soundtrack

1 song

Main Theme

This game is a handy guide of how to do nothing and avoid conflict. However, you must venture out of the safe zone to find the exciting parts of this game, in an action packed (and occasional strategy and puzzle solving) game animated by Komicguy Comix and coded by SuperNathan_33!

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans

Attention! Yet a g a i n I need a voice actor. I need a voice actor for the Narrator. You can have a deep voice or a high-ish voice. You can be male or female. (PrEfErAbLy BrItIsH)

Attention! Yet again I need a male voice actor, this time for a random extra employee....He has a high/wImPy kind of voice and will only have about 1-2 lines.

Attention! I need a deep-voiced male character for a voice acting job in DON'T - The Safe Game, playing the part of a game development company manager. Dis is kinda what he looks like.

the script for don't - the safe game's intro cutscene is now finished! didn't take that long to be honest...