Comments (7)
Cool concept for a coop game! Nice graphics and music too.
Good game!
Now I need someone to play with me... :D
great music and graphics too
Really cool game! I included it in my Familiar Game Jam 5 compilation video series, if you would like to check it out! https://youtu.be/mIQtL3gcMTg

Double Crumble
Welcome to Double Crumble, a spaceship cooperative game! You have to kill the enemies with the aid of your companion, but you have to be synchronized. Both of you have the power to deconstruct your companion to be stronger, but be careful because if you do it in a bad timing you may not be able to destroy or avoid your enemies.
You are "Seedlings"the last hope of the Earth. You carry restoration capsules, a modernized container for human life, and you have to get to another planet to sow it in a suitable soil.
Controls P1:
Move: W,A,S,D
Shoot: Spacebar
Deconstruct: F
Controls P2:
Move: Arrow Keys
Shoot: Right CTRL
Deconstruct: Shift
Alberto Jiménez (TAKA)
Pablo Bugarín (GEKOKEITARÔ)
Alejandro Domínguez
Pablo Bugarín (GEKOKEITARÔ)
Ignacio Castiñeyra
Alberto Jiménez (TAKA)
Carlos Vallejo
Alberto Jiménez (TAKA)
P.D.: Sometimes on some browsers, the yellow chicken enemy doesn't appear, sorry :(