Comments (29)
Opens game
guys if u want a full dragon ball z 8bit game i would reccomnd this it gots the full dragon ball z story mode and has side storys and all the chraracters unlocked at the start of the game its also 2 player
This game is complete click bait don't download its just one unfair battle
bem que podia ter mais personagens
Dragon Ball Z: The 8-Bit Battle
Dragon Ball Z: The 8 Bit Battle is an Arcade Style Fighting Game being developed by RippeR StudioS. It will feature 3 different game modes along with 8 different fighters to battle with. Please rate and follow to get the latest news and updates on Dragon Ball Z: The 8 Bit Battle. Thanks for lookin!
This is a one man project so please be patient with me on updates!
Mild Cartoon Violence