
Comments (2)

What do you think?

Fun little game. Can't wait to see what games you'll produce in the future, though. 4/5

Its worth completing but not worth a lot of time to it.
My Opinion

This is a simple platformer with enemies, shooting and jumping!
Coded completly in GML.

Everything is faulty of coarse due to this being made when i was a noob at GML.

It has;

  • Starting Tutorial

  • Basic Story

  • Easter eggs

  • Basic shooting mechanic

  • Enemies

  • Destrucable objects

  • Wall jumping!

  • Bug's Of coarse :S

I made this almost 7 months ago.
However I decided to upload it and let others see if i should continue it and fix it up.
(I've improved in GML alot)

Thanks for reading! (Or playing ;) )


Mild Cartoon Violence

To-Do list.

First Release! Yaay!