Comments (33)
Huge thankyou to Noah Stolk!! He has kindly added in the gamejolt API. So please enjoy the new highscore table!
Really addictive! The simple graphics are appealing and the enemies are varied. The power-ups were fun to use too (my favourite being the Lightning power-up). Having a long range attack as well as a powerful shotgun-like alt fire really gives you more options to deal with the horde. So far, I've only managed to get the gold medal. Getting to platinum will be one hell of a fight! As a suggestion, maybe you should add a nuke power-up that clears the entire screen of enemies. Great game you got here! Looking forward to anything else you might produce! :)
good, game, really simple but good idea, I think is very slow
Game was hella fun and I believe it was well worth it! I do love how the different weapons have on the field, each enemy you fight I was completely swamped but had a bang out time! and MUSIC most important to me, was freaking AMAZING I had a blast! :D I hope to see more from you! https://youtu.be/rCdfR-4_RhE
I love the simplicity of this game and not to mention the music is friggin' amazing! Controls are easy and the power up effects are really awesome too. My personal fave is the thunderbolt from the heavens. I made a video of the gameplay I did; my best score (during recording) was 29k.
Die Zombie Die

Die Zombie Die is a fast paced! Endless! Zombie shooter!
Try and survive as long as you can in zombie hell against a plethora of different undead masses. Pick up useful power ups along the way to help you stay alive! Shred through zombie hoards with a double-damage dealing fireball or catch a break and stop zombies in their tracks with the patent pending ‘freeze’ blaster. Play now to find out what other weapons you have in your arsenal. Each zombie you kill will earn you points that can unlock medals, so it’s time to earn ya' stripes! Try and make it to grand platinum medal or die trying!
Have fun blasting!!

W - Move Up
A - Move Left
S - Move Down
D - Move Right
Aim - Mouse
Basic Fire - Left Click ( Shoot a single long range bullet )
Alt Fire - Right Click ( Shoot three short range bullets )

Game By:
Special Thanks To:
mavfvkta ( For that amazing Title screen and a few sprites! )
Dman4380 ( Helping with some coding )
Amiracle Yolo ( Various coding )
TaxMan ( Inspiration and testing )
Music By:
EnV - Valkyrie
MadhouseDUDE - Team A
MadhouseDUDE - Legends
All music is from Newgrounds.com!
*Please feel free to give feedback! would love to hear from you guys!
** Also please! feel free to make a "Lets Play" Video or something! would love to watch it!
-- Thanks! Bevoishot
Huge thank to Noah Stolk for adding the gamejolt API. Enjoy the highscore table!!