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路Elise, is an RPG game where you control 2 characters Elise and her friend.
-Elise, is a girl who suffers from bullying an domestic violence.
-Elise's friend is just there for guiding her and he will just talk to her giving her advice and support.
-You will control her and talk to her as her friend trying to help her not to break and trying to tell her what's the best thing she could try for not suffering any longer and without making her commit suicide.
-Also there will be times where Elise will be presented with choices, but you won't choose normally what she says, she will act acording to the tips you gave her as her friend, this desitions and adivce will lead to actions by other characters which will have permanent effects during the story.
-Lastly you will sometimes have to traverse through Elise's mind while she's dreaming.
The game will be done using RPG maker for 2 but important reasons:
1) I think that a story should have a greater impact than the depictions of violence that i could make
2) I don't know programming lenguages
Intense Realistic Violence
Sexual Violence
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference
Tobacco Reference
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Mature Humor