
Comments (2)

What do you think?

I really wanna play it it looks so awesome (also it looks kinda like pokemon to me maybe its just me)

Embark Adventure is a Power Rangers like RPG, where you take control of the 10 elemental powers. Red Fire, Cyan Ice, Blue water, Orange Rock, Green Grass, Yellow Lightning, Purple Darkness, Silver Metal, Gold Crimson Light, and a mysterious 10th element. Unlock new weapons! Defeat new bosses! Get your revenge on the third overlord, a shadow monster wearing a purple cloak. Collect Bugglesmon! Uncover the Greek 23! Learn more skills! UNLEASH YOUR TRUE POWERS!!!

  1. We do not own ANY songs in this game.

  2. Gameplay Images are NOT final.

  3. My brother did nearly ALL of the main work, I merely made the maps :I

  4. If you have any requests or ideas, we will only accept it if both my brother and I agree.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Drug Reference
Comical Shenanigans
Simulated Gambling

The game is now complete!!!

After months of hard work, Chapter 1 is finally complete!It is expected to release on Christmas day!

Character personalities and Playstyle.