Comments (2)
Cute, but a little buggy c;
It's possible to slip through the two orchid chambers without getting either the aroma or the glue, which leads to getting stuck and requiring a restart. I also experienced an audio glitch during that segment, causing every dialogue sound to be repeated many times per second and build up into one big loud drone. @.@ I haven't been able to reproduce it though.
Otherwise quite short and sweet though !
Eufriesea - A Game of Orchid Bees
Eufriesea is a genus or orchid bee. Unlike honey bees, orchid bees are not social. They have no hives, no queens, nothing but the open road. They also have no pheromones. So how does an animal that communicates entirely through smell manage when they don't produce any odors!? Play this short adventure to find out!
Made as part of my ongoing project of ecology-focused games and interactive art.
Arrow keys - Fly around
Space - Pick up chemicals, communicate, or flap your wings depending on the context