Comments (13)
This game is like no other, congratulations for the originaty! 5/5
The controls were a bit wonky, but the concept was great, as was the graphics! I included it in part 23 of my IndiesVsPewdiepie compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)
Love the simple clean graphics. Love the concept. Hate the controls. Totally hate the controls.GRAAAAH!
Really like the simple graphics and humor!
Mecanics are quite unique and fun Voted! :D
Every Day Another Box
Don't you yearn for a day when we don't have to operate manual labor?
Don't you yearn for the day when robots can do what we do, but faster, and for less pay?
Well start the party poppers, because that day is today! Here at our corporations, we're offering brilliant opportunities for young (and old) robots to test their mettle and show the world how usefully clever and helpful they can be.
Have you got what it takes? Vote for this to be played by Pewdiepie himself right here:
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans