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Game Soundtrack

4 songs

This is just a mix of some great games like Super Mario Bros, Five Night's at F#@$boy's, and Mother.
Here you will find Mario, Luigi, Freddy Fazbear, Ness, Lucas, and maybe I'll add more characters to it. Maybe...
Also you'll be able to join with your Gamejolt Account.

If you post a video of this game, please put the link in the comments to put it here.

Sable Lynn & Joshua Shaw - Five Night's at F#@$boy's related stuff.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Drug Reference
Suggestive Themes
Mild Language

Freedy F***boy's Pizza Complete!

Freddy F#@%boy’s Pizza is now open and finished. Springtrap is now added to be in your party.

GameJolt Login Avaible!

Now added GameJolt Login and Achievement Earning.
Also some dialogues modifyed.