Comments (1)
It's poo
Exiled Game
LShift - Attack
LControl - Step Attack (During second attack animation)
Spacebar - Dodge
A - Move left
D - Move right
Exiled is a hack and slash survival horror game. You play as Khepri, a soldier of the last city on Earth who has been Exiled out of fear for your growing power. You wield the sword of Nut, containing the soul of a god within, Khepri can utilize it to release devastating power. Now tasked with braving this dark world, you must find a way to bring about an end to this apocalypse no matter the cost. #action #survival #horror
Key Features:
- Utilize a range of attack combos and step attacks
- Two enemy types
- Dreamy limited color palette
- Animations that boast the power of Nut
Release Date, Platforms
- PC only
-Full release

Personal Info:
Hey there Iām Adam. I am a first year Bachelor of Creative Technologies student currently at Media Design School Auckland, New Zealand, and am an aspiring game dev. I have little experience with coding but I enjoy learning new things as long as it pushes me further towards landing in the industry. Feedback Welcome!
Contact info:
Contact me via [email protected]