
Comments (1)

What do you think?

this looks like "WARRIORS"

Playing as Blaze the kitty in an eerie black and white world you must find where they took your parents. As you go from land to land, you must get to the tower of silence and search for your missing father and mother. Defeat enemies, make new friends on your trek like none before. These enemies include 'The buzzer', a flying eight legged monster that feeds on every animal smaller than itself. Complete daring deeds, and aquire protection, or whatever you want, for this, is your story.
This game is a point-and-click game where you make your own choices, and can put yourself, or others in danger.


This game includes:

  • Custom Sounds

  • Custom Sprites

  • Custom Story

  • Custom Characters

Hope you enjoy!

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we蜑 台hav蜐e抬 t檀a挞k蜐e抬n 蛝ev蜑e蜑r谈yt蛷hin檀g谭,
n痰ow蜑 蛷it蜏's痰 ti蜐m蛷e檀 台t覊o 虥ta覊k挞e you潭.汀

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
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