
Feuriah's Adventure[EARLY ALPHA]
A work in progress fan-game for an artist on
Controls: W to jump, and A/D to move. Or use the arrow keys. L to quick load from a save. (Needing to load is useless in this Extreamly early build of the game.)
Minor update:
First area was modified.(First 2 zones were added together.)
Menu was made.(Use the mouse to select an option.)
Only Start(PC) works.
Plans for Mobile support.(on screen controls that will only be viewable if you click/tap the Start(Mobile) button.)
Arrow keys no animation/player not tunring around minor bug fixed.
Update #2:
Second area modified.
Start(Mobile) Now works.
Now playable on Smart Phones.
More Gems added.
Future Plans: Make the buttons for Mobile bigger, Fix minor animation not playing bug when on Mobile.