Comments (14)
This has some sad atmosphere for a birthday game.
After some attempts to find the lime key I have given up - long process of walking takes it's toll and music gives some feeling of inevitability... or maybe it's just because of early morning here.
Awesome birthday present! 4/5
This is a pretty interesting game, I enjoyed the atmosphere and the graphics, as well as the song itself. I liked how personal it was and over all, its a pretty awesome game
ha ha ha! i'm the LUCKY girl :D
i always love minimalism games... i was really shocked the first time i saw this game...
well.. i played many games from many genres about different people!! It was the first time for me too... i played a game about "me"... it was....like a DREAM!!!!
when i click on "find me nil.exe" and when i saw the game... i said " no...no... seriously it's a game about me!!!!!!!"
and yes...it is!
this game contains my own drawing... my feeling ( just listen to music and walk in this black/white world) ... my fav anime.... and my friends... !!!
that's why i'm a lucky girl :D
I just can say what a lucky girl she is.
but about the game... i don't know!
what u were trying to achieve was a great goal and a great idea, but i think it couldn't become a well designed thing and it affected on gameplay too!
we will talk about it later dude!
but i just love what u've done for that girl!!!!!!!
and i hope a good year for her!
Find Me NiL
This is my First Minimal game and my First Platformer game and also my First game with Unity4.3 (Unity2D).
i made this game in one day and for my friend's birthday .
here is my friend account :
this game made for Nil(my friend) so if you dont enjoy it or dont understand it dont worry. :D
in game you can use:
A,D or Arrow keys to move
Space to jump
use Space twice for double jump
E for some actions
Hope you enjoy it.
i'm wating for your comments and suggestions :)