
Comments (4)

What do you think?

Is this game compatible on a mobile device? Most FNAF clones I know aren't, so some clarification would of course be nice.

Well done. Still haven't played this but you made it to page 29 in the games tagged Five Nights at Freddys (most games with that SUUUUUUUUUCK)


Five Nights At Team Plasma'a Warehouse DEMO

Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago
This is the DEMO, so I still need to improve the sprites. Keep this is mind.

Five Nights At Team Plasma's Warehouse FULL RELEASE

Version: 0.2.0over 9 years ago
If there are any bugs, LET ME KNOW!

Five Nights At Team Plasma's Warehouse DLC Reshiram And Zekrom

Version: 0.1.0over 9 years ago
It's finally finished, I hope you enjoy it.. And if there are ANY glitches you find in the game, LET ME KNOW!

Game Soundtrack

4 songs

The third installment of The Five Nights At Lost Silvers franchise. This time you're in Team Plasma's Warehouse working the night shift, moving from one place to another each night. WARNING: Contains fan-art, if you're the creator of ANY of these fan-art, I'm TRULY sorry! Thank you and please enjoy this game for what it is. :) Oh and P.S. #fnaf



I hope you guys enjoy playing it, as much as I enjoyed making it. :) If there are ANY glitches, just let me know!

DLC Coming soon.

I’m working on it, non-stop! BTW, this is my first game to EVER have DLC. :)