Comments (1)
I legitimately hope this is a joke
Name Your Price
Flat Earths! for Windows
Name Your Price
Flat Earths! for MacOS
Are you one of those ROUND-EARTHERS? Do you think the sun isn't hung from a bale of twine cast down from the star-heavens? Well then, don't bother trying this couch-multiplaying, trident-hurling, death-o-gasm of a ludum dare 38 entry.

IT'S NOT FOR YOU. Go back to your schooools and your interwebs, sheeple.
This game was built in 72 hours for the Ludum Dare Game Jam.

Still here? Then you're in the club. We meet every Thursday under the wilted elm behind the ghost of the old Windsor Castle in Boise Idaho. Bring torches, skepticism, and a preparedness for mind destroying truth. Also BYOB.
Mild Cartoon Violence
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