
Comments (1)

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I lost to the bot :/



Version: 0.1.7over 5 years ago

Game Soundtrack

1 song


#arcade #retro #multiplayer


We are Glitch studio, two people, one team and a passion for making simple but attractive high-quality 2D games for you to play. Enjoy!

Ádám Török alias Aerobird98x
Dániel "Pig King" Török alias Warlord560x

Ádám Török alias Aerobird98x

About the game

First some history lesson. Pong is one of the first computer games that ever created, originally developed by Allan Alcorn and released in 1972 by Atari corporations. This game is a modern take, over the original. It features four bats, two for players, two as moving obstacles to spice things up and of course a square ball. Every player has five health points which are indicated with those stylish health bars at the top. A player loses health once the opponent misses a ball. If you lose all of it, you will die and the game ends.

This game can be played with two human players in Versus or against a very smart computer AI in Solo. Beat it if you can! ;)

KeyBoard controls:

F11 - triggers fullscreen (desktop builds only)
+ - volume up
- - volume down
0 - mute all game sounds

ESCAPE - exit the game

ESCAPE - back to the main menu

R - restart game

Right player
Arrow Up - move up
Arrow Down - move down

Left player
W - move up
S - move down

Gamepad controls:

Please note that gamepad support is not complete yet. Support may be added and/or modified in future releases.

BACK / START button - exit the game

BACK button - back to the main menu

START button - restart game

Both players
LEFT STICK or D-PAD - moving up or down

Touch controls:


Use the BIG BUTTONS on the screen.

Right player
Touch the RIGHT half of the screen to move up or down

Left player
Touch the LEFT half of the screen to move up or down

Powered by HaxeFlixel and openfl, written using the Haxe language. Source will be available on Github eventualy.

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