Comments (11)
Finally, someone added sonic music here! It's really cool! Can you also add Fist Bump, Guardian Rock, Imperial Tower and Death Egg Robot Phase 3 from Sonic Forces?
do live and learn
Could you also chart the fast version of His World?
I've just noticed that there is the voice of Mommy Mearest in Dreams of Abslution and it is very loud. Can you fix it?
Friday Night Funkin Sonic Song Mods
Foxboy Saga over Pico
All right to the Songs has Sega
Sonic Songs in Friday Night Funkin #arcade #action #other
His World -Theme of Sonic The Hedgehog- · Ali Tabatabaee & Matty Lewis from Zebrahead
Dreams of An Absolution -Theme of Silver The Hedgehog- · LB (Remix Factory)
Unknown From M. E. by Marlon Saunders (Theme of Knuckles in Sonic Adventure)
Download and Support the Creator of The Sonic Models
Sonic over BF: https://gamebanana.com/skins/190361
Tails over GF: https://gamebanana.com/skins/191341
Knuckles over Daddy Dearest: https://gamebanana.com/skins/190521
Shadow over Pico: https://gamebanana.com/skins/190841