
Comments (31)

What do you think?

You say it's not another slender clone, yet you collect paper in a forest while avoiding monsters. This is just another slender clone...

Your game is truly awesome! Have you already added music into it? If not I could make it 4u!

I would like to help you with your game ultamate terror production but I can't find the time to help.


I think you may have already done this, but anyways: You may want to change the sky's colour to the same colour as the fog so it looks... well... not like that. I would like to help you, but the computer in which i worked on doesn't work anymore. (And the game i was working on is gone).

Game Soundtrack

1 song

Forest Ambience

Finally a game that is not another Slender clone!

An original survival horror game with unique gameplay features . The story centralizes on Alex Turner, a wildlife biologist who finds himself lost in a mysterious fog enshrouded forest while exploring an area in the forests of Western Oregon. The player comes across a series of mysterious notes that tell of a way out Alex must collect the pages and items which will bring him closer to a way out, however the player has to survive encounters with horrific creatures that test the player's sanity and increase their paranoia.
Note: This game is in very early stages of development so it might take a while for it to be released and if anyone wants to help please reply in the comments.

Intense Fantasy Violence
Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
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