
Comments (1)

What do you think?

looks promising!

Welcome to Fredbears Family Diner!

Welcome to your new job at Fredbears Family Diner, Where food and animatronic entertainment meet for a amazing time! All you have to do is watch over the animatronics at night!

What could go wrong?

programmer: @Leftory

modelers: @Dannimax

lead developer: @Wendylol

concept artist: @ultr4nima

#horror #fnaf #fangame #survival #pointnclick


Wholesome: john proad being helped into his springbonnie suit by his boss william afton

Happy Easter! And Transgender visibility day!

he seems a bit silly

i figure i should give an update. game is officially like actually being made now. rn @Leftory is getting a working prototype made. exciting stuff, no promises but i'd love to get the game done in time for fnaf's 10th anniversary

actually would this be better for the eyes?