
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Hey, do you know if it'll work on mobile versions of Chrome?

too bad all the chat rooms I see are all censored now

It runs perfectly... Andrew, congratulations!!! 5/5

Yummy yum for my tummy tum


Currently broken, new version soon.

Now Available on the Chrome Web Store.

What is Game Jolt - Chat Tweaks?

Game Jolt - Chat Tweaks is a Chrome extension for Web Thumbnails, Image Previews, and Profanity Filters.
See the screenshots above for a better look.

How do I use it?

  • Download the included file ( Chrome Build )

  • Go to chrome://extensions ( in the address bar )

  • Drag and Drop the downloaded file

  • Click Allow access to file URLs

  • Make sure to refresh Game Jolt!

Extensions can only be added from the Chrome Web Store.

If you're facing this issue, but still want to use Game Jolt - Chat Tweaks

  • Download the source code ( Source )

  • Unzip package to a convenient location, preferably no where it would be deleted

  • Go to chrome://extensions

  • Enable Developer Mode

  • Press Load Unpacked Extension

  • Browse to the Extracted Directory

  • Press OK


Reports for Bugs are welcome in the comments or directly to me

Please do not distribute this extension without proper permission.

Thumbnail by ShubShub


Project Cancelled

Update 1.2

Added thumbnails to all URLs, fixed broken image links.
Extension now available on the Chrome Web Store [… ].

Update 1.1

Fixed multiple images issue, added Gyazo screenshot support.

First Build!

First build has been uploaded, as well as the source code!