
Comments (4)

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Very happy to be a part of this game! Even if I am just a voice actor, I'm still excited to help.

Lets do diz!! Yeah!

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

17 years after the tragic events of 1987, hurricane harbor is still shaken. However, Afton robotics returns to the abandoned Fredbears Family Diner, and retrieves the Fredbear animatronic, taking it to a warehouse. Five months pass and the animatronic is taken to a new location, but not before being possessed by the soul of William Afton. And Afton seeks revenge. 5 months later ,two men enter the warehouse and retrieve the Fredbear animatronic taking it to a new location, fredbears pizza land,

(a huge theme park). however a mysterious woman starts stalking the theme park , a woman with mysterious powers . Who is this mysterious woman?

Director: The Glitchy Gamecube Kid

Renderer/Animators: Wajahat Gaming,

Modelers: Deathwolf,

concept artist: Moonlight the Folf,

voice actors: Tyclone, Missy fazbear, kuro, LisaFireHog 18

music producer: Bip_pix.

BTW do NOT steal music

also we will make a 3d remake of the game

#fangame #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf #fnaf

Mild Cartoon Violence

The title of the game will be changed due to a game with a similar name.

The new name is

Five nights at Freddy's 1979.

Title art version 2

We are Looking for a few new members,

2 Voice actors

2 3d Modelers

1 Artist

And someone with the ability to use unreal engine or game maker studio 2.

If interested please email me at

[email protected]

Sorry for this long period of inactivity, however the game will be continued, we are looking for new members for the team, VAs Modelers, Coders, Artists and testers. To join the team please email me at [email protected].

Good news everyone, we are gonna start production soon! Also you can talk to me on Instagram for updates on the game. Instagram: Tggkofficial