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Game Soundtrack

2 songs

Main Menu Ambience

Year's after the fallout near the forest of Robloxia a creature has risen. Its your job to contain it. Be careful of your surroundings. Use your camera to stun the creature. And most importantly of all. Survive and contain it. #horror #adventure #survival

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Alcohol Reference
Drug Reference

Ok so imma do a devlog right now.

I changed the name of the page.

The Trello page is outdated

Ok I'm back from Georgia. Development will start again soon!

Some news:

I will be heading to Georgia for personal reasons. I will take a break on development. But. I will start development again next week. - Melon

You Have One New Voice Message

Uh hello. John are you there? Anyway. If you survived the Fallout that's great! If you did not. well... Nevermind that. I have a job for you. It has something to do with the forest near the town. Meet me there ok? Bye.

More Ancient Alien Text Could Be Found. We Found One The Says This - ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⏁⍜⋏⟒, ⏁⊑⟒ ⌇⏁⏃⏁⎍⟒, ⏁⊑⟒ ⌰⟟☌⊑⏁, ⏃⌰⌰ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌⌇ ⋏⟒⟒⎅⟒⎅ ⏁⍜ ⎅⟒⎎⟒⏃⏁ ☌⌰⍜⍙ ☊⏃⏁. ⏁⊑⟒⌇⟒ ⏁⊑⟟⋏☌⌇ ⏃⍀⟒ ⊑⏃⍀⎅ ⏁⍜ ⍜⏚⏁⏃⟟⋏. ⏚⎍⏁ ⌰⎍☊☍⟟⌰⊬ ⊑⟒ ☊⏃⋏ ☌⟒⏁ ⏁⊑⍜⌇⟒ ⟟⏁⟒⋔⌇.

Its weird that aliens are involved with the lore. But IDC lol.

These ancient alien text were found in a underground cave it reads - ⏁⊑⟒⊬ ☍⟒⟒⌿ ⍜⋏ ☊⍜⋔⟟⋏☌. ⋔⍜⍀⟒ ⍜⎎ ⏁⊑⟒⋔. ⟟⏁ ⟟⌇ ⌇⏃⟟⎅ ⏁⊑⏃⏁ ⏁⊑⟒⟟⍀ ⌰⟒⏃⎅⟒⍀ ☌⌰⍜⍙ ☊⏃⏁ ☊⍀⟒⏃⏁⟒⎅ ⏁⊑⟒⋔.

Yay human head model is finished!